Thursday 11 August 2011

네이버 네이버네이버

Tuesday 9 August 2011

skill post 2

pharaphase: shark attacks

       Person who gets attack by a shark would be very unlucky. because getting attack by shark is have lesser chance of being struck by lightning. It would be less chance than getting drown in the beach. sharks are more likely to attack slitary swimmer.

summerize: bear attacks

       getting attack by bear is extremely improbable. chances are that if you run into a bear, the bear will be more afraid of you and go away by itself. In the Yellowstone National Park in the U.S., statistics show that you are more likely to drown than to be attacked by a bear. 101 people died form drowning but only 5 people were killed by grizzly bears. bears are very unlikely to attack groups of four or more people. Also, stay calm if you run into a bear. Don't try to run away!.

Thursday 4 August 2011

what the world eats


Food Nutrition Eating Health Diet <span style='font-weight: bold'></span>
         Do you know how much money you spend on your weekly feast? I know about mine it's like 580,00$
per week. But it could be different in the other country. There will be a richer family than my family and there could be poor family. But today I'm not going to talk about my feast, I will talk about the American's family meal. Most people will think that Americans eat a toast with a egg on it and drink americanos. But truly it's different from what you think. In these days, Most Americans eats fast food. Sometimes they eat "home made" foods. Now I will just explain about these foods. There are food that is healthy such as fruit like grapes
         Firstly, everybody could know that American eats alot of fast foods. There money chain average is about $341.98. Fast food is delicious, but would that be the main import about the food? no, I guess. I think the most import is the health.
this graph explains me that fast food are bad for health espacilaly for the women that wants diet.
         Fast food is bad for health. As you can see on this graph, there are too much 'g' that you eat.
Then it will lead you too obesity, and then obesity could cause high blood pressure. When I was little I've always curious about why Americans are fat but now I could understand.
So I think student in young age and people should stop eating these fast food alot.

compare two camps

      Do you ever heard about camp? You should've heard about camp, of course. Then now what kind of camp do you want to go? I would like to go to the camp where I experience many things. Because I would not have times to experience when get grown up. So I should always go to the the camp where I could experience many things. But think about a camp with hundreds of homeworks and lessons, would you want to go to that awful camp? No, I don't think so. But if you just play in the camp, it wouldn't  make any
 sense. Now I will compare the two camp, first camp is a camp just study(big apple), second camp is a camp that we could play and exprience better(west ranch).
      Firstly, I will defind two camps. Big apple is a camp that you study about math, science, and all other subjects. And west ranch camp is a camp that exprience many interesting activities and learn about history about the other country. Now the similities of these two camp is firstly, you are going to study English for the main. And secondly, you will have a new interest exprience. Now thirdly, you could live with your friends in many days. Now these are the similties of these two camps.
     Secondly, I will talk about the differents of these two camps. Before I talk about the differents, what camp do you think its better? Now I think that west ranch camp is better, because I like exprience new things. Now I will talk about differents. Firstly, west ranch camp is going to another country but big apple does not go to different country. Secondly, west ranch is longer than big apple, big apple is too short. Now thirdly, is west ranch I could exprience more sports and activities. Now  what camp do you like better? I bet you would like west ranch better.
     In conclusion, I'd talk about, in first paragraph a similiteries, and in the second paragraph a differents. there are more example than these such as in differents there could be talking with Americans. Now let me ask you again do you like west ranch better? I bet you guy will say yes. I've been to many camp but I thought experience more is better I think